This is turning into a blog about weather - it is just so hard not to talk about it when you live here - plus there has been so much chatting about weather after Melbourne's heatwave - although I admit I am finding very hard to have sympathy because it has been 38C or hotter EVERY day since November and I know it will already be back to a lovely 24C or so in Melbourne now I'm sure (I know I sound bitter but it is true jealousy) plus when you have to spend the ENTIRE day inside except running from AC in house to AC in car to AC at shops with two small kids I hate it !!! Anyway enough bitching - the day we visited the water hole above it was 48C - not a typo - when we got a flat tyre and Vic had to change get out and change it was 47C Ugh!!!!!
Then came relief by the name of Dominic - however facing the first "blue" cyclone alert home alone with no husband to help me and freaking out about how do I tie up the trampoline was pretty full on - but we all survived there was so much rain it was crazy this was our backyard after about 10 minutes I rained like this for 2 days straight but it has turned the hills from brown to green which is lovely and the temp has dropped to a glorious 32C for a few days of heaven.
Heavenly enough for a BBQ at the beach