Saturday, September 15, 2007

I been lazy because ...

Lately I haven't been very good at keeping up with my blog or sewing or anything really and I have been putting in some good tv time because I'm pregnant again!! I get to the end of the day and only have enough energy to sit about. The baby is due on the 04/04/08 and we are excited to see if Ava will have a baby brother or sister. I have mostly been feeling good but it depends when you ask me. I am also excited about being pregnant because some of my most lovely friends are pregnant as well.

Ava has been great except with sleeping - which is kind of important right now. A few more days then Daddy will be on morning duty again!!

Here she is lovely and clean after her bath!!


Karen said...

Congratulations!! A little bird mentioned there might be an addition to your family on the way (and we both know who that is!!).
To keep you blog-inspired I've tagged you! Check out my blog for details and I hope you feel well.

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