Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Clouds and Clips

We have been getting some lovely clouds - never loved clouds so much but they bring a much needed break from the over 40C heat. Today it was only 31C - love it
The only reason I am talking about the weather is because zilch creating is going on here, not sure why, probably has something to do with two monkeys who refuse to synchronise sleep times. Keep attempting these clips but things keep messing up - glue not sticking , glue too strong, rivets wrong size, buttons wrong backs - hopefully things will work together soon
PS 2yo Ava took cloudy pic -Good job little lass x


Anonymous said...

oh my, only 31..

Ava a budding photographer!?


leslie said...

hi kerri, thanks for the lovely birthday wishes! i'm glad you commented because it lead me here - i put two and two together and realised that you're "dana's friend, kerri". i've heard heaps about you and am looking forward to getting to know you a bit through your blog : )