Sunday, June 28, 2009


Things I have been doing lately include .....
...getting my hair chopped...

...making headbands for big people...

...and small people...

...and making a lot of these hairclips...

...and these hairclips...

and laughing at these two naughty monkeys !!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So now she is 3

Little Ava turned three last week - she wanted to have a rainbow party and everyone dressed in her favourite colour. Ava chose yellow then this beautiful dress from Dana came in the mail - Perfecto. She had a great day then was so tired she threw major tantrum when everyone left but that is the way of 3 year olds.

A little birthday squeeze from her little brother xxx

Happy Birthday my sweet Ava - I can't believe how fast time is going

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Small Vollee

Finally things are falling into place when it comes to selling my crafty things. After trying many different products venues etc I think I have found my place. I have registered my business name Small Vollee after MUCH deliberation and it still not completely what I asked for but no stress. I have had 3 market stalls in the last month and things are going great YAY!! It feels so good to have a stall and actually sell something!!! The markets here ain't no Magnolia but you take what you can get.

Here are some of my wares:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shite Blogger

Why Is that that I am still completely unco at working Blogger - don't know how I got "Align Centre" on my last post and I don't know how to get it off Adds a nice touch No??

Birthday Boys

Align Center
In March there are a few cute boys that have birthdays my sweet boy was one of them - to celebrate his birthday we decided he needed a little haircut but the thought of holding him still while putting sharp scissors near his head was a bit scary so we decided to shave his head instead and he sat surprisingly still for most of the time. I think he looks cute cute but not so much like a little baby now.
Hardi's favourite thing to do is climb - today for example after going to another room for ONE minute I came back and I found him standing on top of the dining table trying to drink my takeaway Latte wasting my precious coffee - so for this reason we enrolled him in Kindergym hoping that the climbing thing would be out of his system for the week. Didn't work of course while at Kindergym his favourite thing is not to climb but to chase grasshoppers and to throw bean bags around. So for another Little March One Year Old I decided to make him some bean bags for throwing.

Ps Not sure if your parcel is there yet little Leon hope you like it xx

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sniffing Glue

With the arrival of our new Au Pair, Julia from Italy, last week I have found a part time job and had heaps more sewing time (35 Hours per week more!!!) and not been completely strung out home alone while Vic is away. We found Julia on here - so far it is heaven I can recommend it to anyone. This is Julia and the monkeys at the beach at which we stopped only to put our toes in and of course it resulted in everyone getting very wet!!

And so the sweat shop opens for business - I have finally got the hair clips to work (Thanks to my wonderfully handy Dad) and made around 300 Hair Clips and Push Pins this week. I love it - I used Selleys Araldite to glue the hair clips and pins after trying MANY others even had some Gorilla Glue sent from Canada, not sure if Araldite is the best so would love any feedback about glue you have tried. For the snap clips Dad figured out how to rivet them properly after many many failed attempts from me Hooray!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bun Bun

I made this little Bunny for my first nephew Hugo Max who has just moved to Lloydminster Canada hence the wooly scarf- I got the pattern from the this book which was surprisingly at our local library. He is the Moopy Bunny from the book and the first softie I have made and it was fun. I am planning to make more because of course Ava wanted one too. I then hand delivered to my Sweet Hugo in Albany before they make their big trip to a new home in Canada - I will miss you little Hugo and your gorgeous Mama xx

Saturday, February 14, 2009


My thoughts this week for all people devastated by the terrible fire's in Victoria - so many sad stories. Please help any way you can - I am going to help out Emi's Nan and Poppy who lost their house and everything in it not sure of the best way yet but so many great ideas out there about ways to help. I hope these poor families have peace in their lives soon xx

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A blog about Weather

This is turning into a blog about weather - it is just so hard not to talk about it when you live here - plus there has been so much chatting about weather after Melbourne's heatwave - although I admit I am finding very hard to have sympathy because it has been 38C or hotter EVERY day since November and I know it will already be back to a lovely 24C or so in Melbourne now I'm sure (I know I sound bitter but it is true jealousy) plus when you have to spend the ENTIRE day inside except running from AC in house to AC in car to AC at shops with two small kids I hate it !!! Anyway enough bitching - the day we visited the water hole above it was 48C - not a typo - when we got a flat tyre and Vic had to change get out and change it was 47C Ugh!!!!!

Then came relief by the name of Dominic - however facing the first "blue" cyclone alert home alone with no husband to help me and freaking out about how do I tie up the trampoline was pretty full on - but we all survived there was so much rain it was crazy this was our backyard after about 10 minutes I rained like this for 2 days straight but it has turned the hills from brown to green which is lovely and the temp has dropped to a glorious 32C for a few days of heaven.

Heavenly enough for a BBQ at the beach
Anyway hope the weather is lovely where ever you are

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fabric Love

After 6 months of buying not a stitch of fabric - not even a sneaky metre here from Spotlight while your supposed to be grocery shopping let alone Amitie goodness - Dana sent me these lovely goodies from Amitie - Thankyou Thankyou

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Here are some handmade gifts we received at our house

Hardi got this Aunty Cookie Softie From Dana

After lusting over this book that I was surprised to find in our local book shop with Ainhize - she surprised me with it - love love it - you can find it here

This is the ballerina costume I made for Ava which was changed to a fairy costume because when asked if she liked it she said "Not Really" - nice one

Beautiful felt Christmas ornaments made by my sister Katie